
When Do You Need Medical Detox for Addiction Recovery?

One of the keys to addiction recovery in Pocatello is finding the right program to meet your needs. For many people, that involves a medical detox program combined with inpatient drug rehab.

Becoming an addict or long-term substance abuser is a process. And, just as there are stages to becoming an addict, there are stages to recovery as well. Understanding the stages of addiction is important, as this can best help you determine which type of recovery program might be best for you. Once you get into the right recovery program, you can begin your journey to a healthier life, free from drugs and addiction.

Understanding the Stages of Addiction

Not everyone who seeks addiction treatment or rehab goes through a series of well-defined steps in the process. However, consider how your journey to substance abuse might have progressed.


The first stage of addiction is initiation. You may have tried drugs originally for seemingly innocuous reasons, such as pure curiosity. Or you may have felt pressured to do so by friends or peers. Whatever the reason, trying a potentially addicting substance even just once or twice can make you more likely to experiment with other substances or increased quantities in the future.


The experimentation phase typically involves doing drugs in specific situations, such as at a party or when under stressful conditions. At this stage, using substances can feel like more of a social ritual, or something that you associated with having fun or unwinding. At this point, there typically haven’t been any consequences for the choice to use – yet.

Regular Use

Once you move on to using a substance more frequently, or outside of the situations you previously used in, then you’ve moved on to the next phase. This may not mean that you use every day, but it does mean there’s a pattern to your use — such as only using on the weekends or when you’re bored, stressed or feeling lonely. In this stage, you still likely use with others, but you start using alone, too.

Risky or Problem Use

At this point, the use of substances has begun to have a negative impact on your life. If you drive, you may have been pulled over for driving under the influence and are facing legal consequences. Perhaps you’re having trouble due to use at school or work, or it’s impacting your relationships with others. Risky or problematic use of substances at this point is a clear threat to your well-being.


Dependence has a few steps. You’ll know you’ve arrived at this stage when you need more of what you’re using to get the same effect as it had previously provided, or if you start to experience withdrawal symptoms when you don’t use. You likely also develop strong cravings for it when you’re not using.

Once you’ve reach the final stage in the process, you may need to go through medical detox before you can begin the rehab process.

What Drugs May Require Detox?

There are several substances that can alter the brain and become addictive. When used excessively, stopping these substances suddenly can be a risk to your health.

Drugs that can cause withdrawal symptoms requiring detox include:

  • Alcohol
  • Stimulants
  • Opioids
  • Sleeping medications
  • Benzodiazepines

The Different Types of Detox

There isn’t simply one way for a person to detox, or remove drugs from their system. However, there are right and wrong ways to approach the process.

Detox on your own can be extremely difficult, and the withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous. That’s why it’s always a good idea to have a medical professional monitor your detox.

The different types of detox include:

  • Medical – This is when someone stays at a medical facility and their symptoms are monitored. Medical detox is offered at Moonlight Mountain Recovery.
  • Drug tapering – This is when someone uses less of a drug gradually over a period of time, usually under medical supervision.
  • At-home detox – This is when someone tries to detox at home without supervision.
  • Cold turkey – This is when someone abruptly stops using the substance.

Without assistance and oversight from qualified medical personnel, your risks span from failure to serious or potentially life-threatening illness.

What Happens in Drug Detox?

Many people are understandably nervous about what can occur once they begin to detox. However, knowing what to expect can work to help calm your fears.

Normally, the detox process takes anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. It depends on many factors including the substance used, the length of time it was used, and the amount that was used daily.

During detox, withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe. Those that have gone through detox report side effects such as:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Sweating
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Tremors
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations
  • Depression

If not done appropriately, detox can have more intense, psychological withdrawal symptoms such as suicidal thoughts, psychosis, or severe pain. That’s why it’s recommended that any detox be overseen by a medical professional.

After Medical Drug Detox

Once you have completed detoxed, you have completed the first step toward recovery. To continue on that journey, it’s typically necessary to undergo additional therapy and treatment to help you address the underlying reasons for your addiction.

Some people choose inpatient treatment while others choose outpatient. Which you choose is up to you but talking to an experienced professional can help you make the right choice for your future.

Finding a Medical Drug Detox Program in Pocatello

If you’re struggling with an alcohol or drug use disorder, consider seeking out a medical drug detox program as your first step to recovery. In Pocatello, Moonlight Mountain Recovery offers comprehensive recovery programs in a comfortable, home-like setting. Our programs are evidence-based and utilize proven, holistic therapies under medical supervision, to help ensure your success.

If you’re ready to start your journey toward recovery and are interested in our drug rehab and medical detox programs, contact us now.

Call Now 208-505-9990

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