
Understanding the Symptoms of an Overdose on Drugs

There are a few major negative events that can take place with someone who is addicted to various drugs and substances, and one of the most notable here is an overdose. If you’re close with someone dealing with substance abuse issues, it’s often helpful to know what overdoses are and what their common signs tend to be.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we’re here to offer caring inpatient and outpatient rehab programs for addiction recovery of all kinds around Boise, Pocatello and other parts of Idaho, including drug rehab, alcohol rehab and more. Here are some basics on the medical definitions of overdose, the kinds of substances where overdosing is possible, and how to spot the possible signs and respond to them if you’re close to someone who is dealing with a substance abuse addiction.

What is an Overdose?

Firstly, for those just learning about this subject, it’s important to understand what an overdose actually is. An overdose happens when someone takes more of a substance than their body can handle or process properly. This could be any kind of drug or medication, including prescription drugs or illegal substances. When the body has too much of a certain substance in its system, it can have serious negative effects on different functions and organs in the body.

For instance, if someone takes too much of a drug that slows down the central nervous system, this can lead to slowed heart rate and breathing rates. If these vital functions are affected for an extended period of time, it can ultimately lead to brain damage or death.

Types of Substances That Can Cause Overdose

There are different types of substances that have the potential to cause overdose, but some are more commonly known for their dangerous effects when taken in excessive amounts. These include:

  • Prescription drugs: Painkillers, sedatives, anti-depressants and other prescription medications can all be harmful if not taken as directed by a doctor.
  • Illegal drugs: Drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamine are highly addictive and can lead to dangerous overdoses.
  • Alcohol: While it may not be considered a drug in the traditional sense, alcohol is still a substance that can cause overdose if consumed in large amounts.

Signs of Overdose

One of the biggest challenges with overdoses is that they can happen suddenly and without warning. However, there are some common signs to look out for if you suspect someone has overdosed on a substance, breaking them down by some of the substance types we went over above (and a few sub-categories):

  • Opioid overdose: Whether for prescription opioids or illegal opioids like heroin, some common signs of overdose include slowed breathing and heart rate, confusion, drowsiness, and blue lips or fingertips.
  • Stimulant overdose: For substances that can speed up the central nervous system, such as cocaine or methamphetamine, symptoms of overdose may include agitation, high body temperature, chest pain, and rapid breathing.
  • Alcohol overdose: Signs of alcohol overdose can range from slurred speech and confusion to vomiting and difficulty breathing. In severe cases, an individual may lose consciousness or experience seizures.
  • Benzodiazepine overdose: This class of medication, commonly used for anxiety and sleep disorders, can also be dangerous when taken in high doses. Symptoms of overdose may include dizziness, slurred speech, difficulty breathing, and loss of coordination.

If you notice any of these signs in someone who has recently consumed a substance, it’s important to seek medical help immediately. Time is critical in an overdose situation and getting the individual professional medical attention as soon as possible can save their life.

Possible Causes of Overdose

For your information, here are some of the most common causes or factors that can contribute to an overdose:

  • Mixing substances: Combining different drugs or alcohol can have unpredictable and sometimes dangerous effects on the body.
  • Substance tolerance: When someone becomes accustomed to a certain substance, they may need to take more and more for it to have the same effect, leading to potential overdose.
  • Accidental consumption: In some cases, an individual may accidentally ingest too much of a substance due to a misunderstanding about dosage or confusion about medication names.
  • Health or related issues: Certain health conditions, such as liver or kidney disease, can affect how the body processes substances and make someone more susceptible to overdose.
  • Emotional state: Mental or emotional distress can also contribute to substance abuse and potential overdose.

If you are concerned about a loved one who may be struggling with any of these factors, it’s important to seek professional help and support for them. With proper treatment and care, individuals dealing with substance abuse addiction can overcome their struggles and live healthy, fulfilling lives.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we offer personalized treatment plans and support to help individuals overcome addiction and regain control of their lives. If you or a loved one is struggling with substance abuse around Boise, Pocatello or other parts of Idaho, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. Together, we can work towards a brighter and healthier future.

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