
Do People Get Homesick in Rehab?

When you make the choice to go into rehab, it’s a major life decision. Not only are you working to overcome your struggles with substance abuse and addiction, but you’re also separating yourself from everything you know and love, in order to help yourself heal.

While treatment is important, it’s also vital to your wellness and progress to understand that homesickness at rehab can and does happen. Luckily, there are some simple coping skills you can use to get through it. Here are some tips that can help, courtesy of the experts at Moonlight Mountain Recovery in Pocatello ID.

Why Inpatient Rehab Is a Good Option

Getting homesick during treatment is a worry for many people but going to inpatient rehab has a host of benefits that you may need to help you start the recovery process.

Remember that your current environment is full of places, things, and people that may help to perpetuate and even trigger your addiction behaviors. Pursuing recovery means that you must separate yourself from the problematic triggers in your life so you can focus on yourself. A new environment that is controlled and free of distractions can help you to move forward.

Tips to Cope with Homesickness in Rehab

In many ways, homesickness is a part of the process of recovery. But it also shouldn’t be a roadblock to your progress in treatment. If you’re worried about it, then you can deal with homesickness in rehab in by:

  • Communicate with loved ones – During some phases of your treatment, your communication with loved ones may be limited. However, if you have the ability to contact the people in your life who help to support you, then it can go a long way in helping you to overcome homesickness and encourage you to continue with your recovery.
  • Write – Letters to loved ones is also a good option. It can help you to miss home less and also can be therapeutic to help you work through feelings or put down on paper something you’ve been struggling to say out loud.
  • Bring reminders – Personal photos or reminders of the people and things you love are a great addition to your rehab packing list.
  • Enjoy music – Music can be quite healing and also help you to feel better. If you have an MP3 player that isn’t connected to the internet, then it’s something you can bring with you to rehab. Simply create a playlist of favorite songs that can help you through tough moments.
  • Make friends – You’re in rehab with people struggling through the same things you are. You can help to quell the loneliness you feel by creating relationships with others that can help offer you support. Don’t forget that you do have rehab professionals on hand to help, too.

Keep in mind that rehab won’t last forever. Perhaps the biggest thing to remind yourself of if you’re homesick is that it’s temporary, and the changes in your life will make your efforts worthwhile.

To learn more about how rehab might benefit you, contact Moonlight Mountain Recovery now to learn more about our Idaho rehab and addiction recovery programs.

Call Now 208-505-9990

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