
Understanding Inpatient Rehabilitation Assessments

There are multiple different forms of addiction treatment and rehabilitation that might be considered, and one of the most involved and intensive is the realm of inpatient treatment. This format involves the person struggling with addiction spending all of their time in a given treatment center, evaluating every aspect of their daily life and receiving beneficial therapies and other treatment approaches that may benefit them.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we offer caring inpatient addiction rehabilitation programs for patients in Boise plus nearby states like Washington and Oregon. Near the start of most inpatient rehab settings, a basic assessment will be carried out that will help evaluate the full circumstances and needs of the patient to help bring them the ideal treatment. Here are some basics on what will typically take place during this assessments, plus what to prepare for if you’re getting ready to enter an inpatient treatment center.

Full Medical Examination

In most cases, the first step of an inpatient addiction assessment will be a full medical examination. This exam is designed to help determine the overall health of the patient, and to get a strong sense of any health issues that may need to be monitored or treated while they are in the facility.

The primary areas this part of the assessment will look at will involve physical health, mental health, and substance use. If the patient is currently using drugs or alcohol and in an unstable condition, they will be given a medical exam to make sure their condition is stabilized before further treatment begins.

Psychological Evaluation

In addition to the full medical evaluation, most patients entering an inpatient treatment center will also have to undergo a psychological assessment. This is designed to give the counselors and staff an idea of the patient’s mental health, any potential mental issues that need to be addressed during treatment, and what type of therapies might be beneficial along the way.

This portion of the assessment will typically involve one-on-one counseling sessions with the patient, as well as interviews and questionnaires that will help give the staff a better insight into their overall mental health condition.

Medical Detoxification

In many cases, another important part of the assessment will be a determination of whether medication detoxification might be needed. For those unaware, medical detox refers to the process of removing drugs or alcohol from the body in a safe and medically monitored manner.

In some cases, this might involve drug substitution therapy, which is when one drug is used to replace another drug that has been abused in order to relieve withdrawal symptoms. For example, methadone may be used as a substitute for opiates like heroin or prescription painkillers.

Additionally, medical detoxification may involve the use of medications to help manage symptoms and reduce cravings for drugs or alcohol. It’s important that this process is done safely and under close supervision.

The physician overseeing the assessment will be able to determine if medical detox would be beneficial in a particular case, and make sure it is carried out as safely and effectively as possible.

Family Involvement or Counseling

In addition to the medical and psychological assessments, most inpatient treatment centers will also recommend that family members or close friends get involved with the patient’s treatment. This could involve providing them with information about their condition, as well as helping to provide a supportive environment for recovery.

In some cases, this might mean undergoing family counseling sessions where both parties can work together to better understand the addiction, and how to best support the patient through their recovery journey. In others, it might mean offering separate counseling for family members who need to talk through their own issues or learn more about the process of addiction.

Importance of Honesty in the Assessment

We understand the natural impulse that may come in some cases to be dishonest during this assessment. Many people struggling with addiction also deal with issues like shame or guilt, and feel the need to keep their issues private. While we understand this feeling, it is absolutely essential that all information shared in the assessment process be completely honest.

This is because many of the therapies and treatments offered during an inpatient program will be tailored specifically for each individual patient, so any false or misleading information could make the treatment less effective. That’s why it is so important to be honest and open during this part of the process, so that the right treatments can be implemented for optimal recovery outcomes.

The assessment process is an important part of any inpatient treatment program, and one that should not be taken lightly. To learn more about it, or any of our inpatient or outpatient addiction recovery programs in Boise or surrounding states like Washington and Oregon, speak to our team at Moonlight Mountain Recovery today.

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