
Signs Your Oregon Significant Other is Addicted to Alcohol

There are many cases of substance abuse addiction where those close to the person suffering from addiction are able to spot some of the red flags of this condition, and alcohol addiction is a common example here. One of the most frequent such settings where this can happen: When someone begins to notice that their significant other is showing signs of alcohol addiction.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we’re happy to offer numerous caring addiction recovery services in Oregon and surrounding states, including alcohol rehabilitation and treatment programs for anyone managing alcohol addiction. In many cases, significant others play a major role in helping spot the signs of addiction, plus helping the person suffering from it identify their issues and seek help. Here are some of the most common possible signs of alcohol addiction in a significant other in your life.

Drinking is Used to Relieve Stress

One of the more common and often noticeable signs of alcohol addiction in a significant other is the tendency to use drinking as a form of stress relief. While it’s certainly understandable for someone you care about to want to find ways to manage their stress more effectively, if they are relying on alcohol consumption as one of those methods, it may be indicative of an underlying issue with alcohol abuse.

For instance, if your significant other comes home from a long day of work and immediately reaches for an alcoholic beverage to cope with the stress, it could be a sign of alcohol addiction. If this is happening frequently or if you’ve noticed that they are drinking more than usual, it’s important to have an honest conversation about their drinking habits.

Drinking Alone or in Secret

Another common sign to watch out for is if your significant other is drinking alone or in secret. If they are regularly hiding their alcohol consumption from you, it could be a sign that they have an unhealthy relationship with drinking and might need help managing their addiction. Additionally, if you find bottles of alcohol hidden away, it could mean that your partner is trying to conceal their drinking habits from you.

Social Engagements Revolve Around Alcohol

In other cases, you may begin to notice patterns in your significant other’s behavior where their social engagements seem to center on alcohol consumption. If you’ve noticed that most of the occasions in which you and your partner spend time with friends or family members involve alcohol, this could be a sign that they are using it as a crutch to cope with social situations. Additionally, if you find yourself saying no to social engagements more often because you’re worried your significant other will be triggered or will make a scene due to their drinking, it could be a sign that your partner is drinking too much and you need to have an honest discussion about their behavior.

Major Personality Changes When Drinking

For some other cases, it can be difficult to spot the signs of alcohol addiction at first. In some cases, your significant other may display major changes in their personality or behavior when drinking. If you have noticed a complete transformation in their attitude and demeanor when they are drinking, this could be an indicator that they have an unhealthy relationship with alcohol and need professional help for their addiction.

Family History of Alcohol Abuse

While this isn’t necessarily a “sign” of alcohol abuse per se, a significant risk factor for developing alcohol addiction is having a family history of substance abuse. If you and your partner have discussed their family history, it might be worth exploring further to see if there are any patterns of alcohol or drug misuse that could be playing a role in their current issues with addiction.

If you’re struggling to know how to address these issues with your significant other, it’s important to keep in mind that the most effective way to help someone with addiction is through showing love and support. Reaching out in a compassionate and understanding manner can go a long way in helping them recognize their problem and begin to seek help for their condition.

Drinking At Strange Times

For some cases, you may also find that your partner is drinking at strange times. This could mean that they are turning to alcohol as a coping mechanism for stress or anxiety rather than engaging in healthier forms of self-care. If this is the case, it’s important to talk about their feelings and why they might be reaching for alcohol instead of other methods of managing stress.

Not Seeming Drunk Despite Large Quantities Consumed

Tolerance is another sign of alcoholism to watch out for. You may notice that your partner can still appear relatively sober or functional despite consuming large amounts of alcohol. This could mean that their body has become accustomed to high levels of stimulation, and they are no longer feeling the effects of drinking as much as before.

It is important to remember that every situation and individual is different, which means that the signs of alcohol addiction in a significant other may vary from person to person. If you have any questions about whether or not your partner might be suffering from an addiction, it’s best to consult with a professional for help.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we understand how difficult it can be to recognize the signs of alcohol abuse in a significant other. Our experts are here to help you assess and address your concerns, so that you can get the best treatment for your loved one. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive addiction recovery programs in Oregon or any nearby state.

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