
How to Deal with a Heroin Addict

It feels as if the person you love is lost. Yes, they might be standing right in front of you, but the things they do and say make you feel as if the person you know is gone.

There’s almost nothing you wouldn’t do to get your loved one back but, at the same time, you often don’t have any idea what you can or should be doing to help.

You can’t magically fix your friend or family member’s addiction, but there are steps you can take that can help—both your loved one and yourself.

Buy Narcan

Your worst fear is probably that your loved one will overdose and die—and that fear is well-founded. Each day, more than 115 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Narcan is the brand name for Naloxone, a drug that can reverse the effects of opioid overdose. It’s available over the counter at places like Walgreens and can save lives.

Push for Treatment to Stop Heroin Addiction

People used to think that rehab wouldn’t work unless the person battling addiction had hit rock bottom. We now know that isn’t true and can, in fact, be a deadly point of view.

People who are addicted to heroin should be helped as soon as possible. You don’t need your friend or family member to “buy into” treatment. You just need them to agree to go.

Don’t Be an Enabler

Yes, you want to show your love and keep the lines of communication open. But you don’t want to be in the position of enabling the addiction. That means not giving money, not paying car insurance, not paying bail money and certainly not helping your loved one get heroin.

Take Care of Yourself

Sadly, there are millions of people in your same situation. Finding a few of them to talk to through a support group like Nar-Anon can make you feel less alone and can also help you learn more about addiction—and how to live through it.

Try to take time to do the little things that can help you cope better. Get enough sleep, exercise, spend time with loved ones and take time to do things you enjoy.

Treating Heroin Addiction at Moonlight Mountain Recovery

Moonlight Mountain Recovery is a residential treatment center located in the mountains of Pocatello, ID and we believe addiction isn’t just a physical problem. Our whole-person approach to recovery also deals with the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social aspects of addiction. Our master’s level trained therapists get to the root cause of addiction and will help you develop a strategy to manage and enjoy life without drugs or alcohol. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the heroin addiction treatment program at Moonlight Mountain Recovery.

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