
Boredom and Substance Abuse

Boredom is a fact of life. The problem is that it can also be a trigger for relapse.

But here’s the thing: Just like feelings of sadness or anxiety, boredom cannot be avoided. All of those feelings are inevitable from time to time.

The real question is how we can learn to manage feelings of boredom.

Managing Boredom While in Addiction Recovery

Managing boredom is a two-step process.

Simple boredom on a Saturday afternoon because you have nothing to do isn’t going to trigger relapse, it’s just not that simple. It can feel more like fear. It’s easier for your mind to wander to any unresolved issues you may have if you don’t have anything to occupy your immediate attention.

This is where things get uncomfortable. You may have an incredible urge to drink or use because it’s an easy escape from those feelings. The more difficult path is to face your fears head-on.

To do this, you have to practice mindfulness, taking time to think, talking things through with a friend or talking to a therapist.

Tips for Beating Boredom

You’ll find it easier to embrace life once you start getting a handle on your unresolved issues.

This is the time to rediscover any old hobbies you’ve given up. If you’re unsure what you like to do, try everything.

A few ideas you can try include:

  • Going for a walk
  • Exercising or going to the gym
  • Listening to podcasts
  • Trying new recipes
  • Drawing or playing an instrument
  • Reading a book or completing a puzzle
  • Joining any local clubs you’re interested in
  • Spending time with family or friends
  • Volunteering
  • Starting a garden or another outdoor project

Work is Boring, What Do You Do?

You’re having a boring day on the job, what do you do? Some people argue that boredom is only a state of mind – and with the right attitude anything can be made interesting.

There’s some truth to that, but it’s also possible that you need to find a new job–or go back to school and find your real passion.

Being free from addiction, you now have options, that is one of the many joys. Your life is no longer a dead-end, you’re free to explore life and see where it can take you!

Hope and Healing at Moonlight Mountain Recovery

Moonlight Mountain Recovery is a treatment center located in Pocatello, ID where residents are given the help they need to rebuild their lives and free themselves from addiction. Our team of experts work together to tackle both the physical and mental aspects of addiction.

Contact us today to learn more about our drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs.

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