
How Addiction Can Change One’s Personality

There are a number of negative effects associated with addiction in many cases, and one of the most significant and well-known areas here is personality changes. Sadly, addiction often causes significant tweaks or even full-on changes to the personalities of people who deal with it, whether involving drugs, alcohol or any other form of addiction.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we’re here to offer caring addiction recovery services for patients around Boise, Washington and Idaho, including drug addiction treatment, alcohol addiction treatment and more (in both inpatient and outpatient settings depending on your needs). Our programs address numerous parts of addiction recovery, including things like personality changes and how those struggling with addiction can overcome them – and also how such changes may serve as signs of addiction to friends or family members. Here are some common personality changes that may come with addiction, plus how to consider them if you notice them in someone close to you.

Anger and Aggression

In many cases, addiction can cause a person to become increasingly aggressive or angry as time goes on. This may come out in the form of lashing out at loved ones, family members and even strangers when it gets severe enough.

It’s important to note that this is not always the case – plenty of addicts are still able to express anger without becoming overly hostile or aggressive – but it’s still very common for these sorts of issues to pop up when addiction is a factor. If you feel like someone close to you may be exhibiting signs of increased aggression or anger, it may be worth taking a closer look at the situation and considering whether addiction treatment could help.

Mood Swings

Addiction can also bring about significant changes in mood, with many addicts dealing with wild swings from happiness and joy to depression or sadness. This can be very disconcerting for those around them, leading to difficulties in maintaining relationships and even in living day-to-day life.

If you notice that someone close to you is exhibiting increasingly frequent mood swings, it could well be a sign of addiction – especially if these changes are sudden and frequent. In these cases, it’s important to talk to them about what they’re going through and consider whether professional help could be of assistance.


Another common personality change that’s often associated with addiction is a desire to keep secrets from those around them. This could involve lying about activities, avoiding certain topics of conversation or just generally being very quiet and elusive when it comes to talking about their issues.

If you notice this kind of behavior in someone close to you, there’s a chance that they may be dealing with addiction – and it’s important to talk to them about what they’re going through, no matter how difficult it may be.

Higher Propensity to Take Risks

For some people dealing with addiction, it’s common to also take a higher number of risks than they would normally. This can manifest itself in reckless behavior such as driving too fast or taking part in dangerous activities – and, unfortunately, this kind of behavior is all too common among addicts.

If you notice someone close to you displaying these kinds of tendencies, it could be indicative of an addiction problem. Taking a step back and considering whether professional help could be beneficial in this situation can be the best way forward.


Another well-known symptom of addiction is paranoia, which often leads to feelings of being watched or judged by others. This may manifest itself in the form of suspicious behavior or even full-blown delusions – and it’s something that should be taken seriously if you notice it in someone close to you.

Loss of Interest

If you notice someone close to you losing interest in activities that used to be important to them, it could be a sign of addiction. Many addicts suffer from apathy and indifference when it comes to their hobbies or social life, so looking out for these kinds of changes can give insight into potential addiction issues.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we understand the difficulties that come with addiction and personality changes. Our team of professionals is here to help those struggling with addiction in Boise, Washington and Idaho, providing the care and assistance they need to take back control of their lives. If you believe that someone close to you may be dealing with addiction, our experts are available to answer any questions or concerns you have – so please don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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