
Differentiating Types of Mental Health Professionals

There are a few processes that are common among those who are engaged in addiction recovery programs, and one of these that can appear in varying ways is therapy or other sessions with mental health professionals. Addiction and mental health often go hand-in-hand, and various mental health professionals will often be a key part of the journey toward addiction recovery.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, various forms of therapy and other mental health treatment will regularly be part of both our inpatient addiction recovery and outpatient addiction recovery programs for patients around Boise, plus nearby states like Washington and Oregon. Here are some of the different kinds of mental health professionals who may assist you or someone else in your life who is taking part in addiction recovery treatment, plus the roles they play and the kinds of areas they’ll be most useful in helping with.


One of the most well-known types of mental health professionals is the psychologist. In most cases, these mental health professionals work with people to help them uncover and understand deeper psychological issues which may be driving their addiction problems. They’ll often provide counseling, comprehensive assessments regarding potential addictions, and even suggest other methods for recovery and therapy depending on the individual’s needs.

A psychologist may also suggest certain methods for treating addiction like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which is a type of talk therapy that helps to create new patterns of thinking and behavior.


Psychiatrists are also medical professionals, but there’s a key difference between them and psychologists: Psychiatrists can prescribe medications to help those struggling with addiction. These professionals are best for prescribing medications that may be necessary for a stable recovery, like mood stabilizers or antidepressants.

They also provide general medical treatment, which may be necessary in some cases where an individual’s addiction has caused physical damage or health issues. They will often be used in coordination with psychologists, helping to identify any deeper psychological issues that may be causing addiction problems.

Therapists and Counselors

Another sub-category of mental health professionals is therapists and counselors. These kinds of specialists will work with the individual to help them uncover deeper mental issues that may be driving addiction-related behavior, as well as providing more general support for those going through recovery.

Therapists and counselors often specialize in certain types of therapy (like CBT or dialectical behavioral therapy), and can provide valuable support to those in addiction recovery. There are actually several kinds of therapists and counselors, such as family therapists, grief counselors and more – and also those who specialize in addiction recovery.

Social Worker

While some might consider a social worker to be part of the therapist and counselor category, social workers have an especially important role in addiction recovery treatment. Social workers will often oversee the individual’s overall progress in their recovery, and provide a wide range of services like referral management for other mental health professionals, support for family members or community outreach programs.

Social workers are also crucial when it comes to helping those who may not be able to afford addiction recovery treatment, or who may need additional support in order to successfully participate in the program. It’s important to note that social workers cannot write prescriptions for medications, since this is a skill within the realm of psychiatrists.

Possible Role of Grief Counselors

While they once again technically belong in the category of therapists and counselors, grief counselors may be especially important in addiction recovery. Addiction itself can be a form of grief, as individuals seek to manage feelings of pain, anger and loss they may have experienced throughout their lives.

Grief counselors are able to provide insight into these types of emotions, helping those going through addiction treatment come to terms with them on an emotional level and work through them in a healthy way. They can be very helpful in providing the type of support that many people going through addiction recovery need, and may even be necessary for long-term success.

Overall, mental health professionals play an important role in the addiction recovery process and should always be consulted when possible. It’s important to find the right type of professional for an individual’s particular needs and situation, as this can be key to a successful recovery.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we have access to a wide range of mental health professionals and can help individuals and families connect with the right ones for their particular situation. We believe that having access to counseling support is vital for successful addiction recovery, and strive to provide quality care throughout the entire process.

If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction in Boise, Washington or Oregon, contact us today to learn more about our treatment programs and the caring staff who run them.

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