
Boise Overdose Basics, Risks, Relapse and Recovery

There are several well-known terms within the realm of substance abuse and addiction recovery, and one of the single most prominent here — for several reasons — is the realm of overdosing. An overdose is a dangerous, often-fatal event that can take place when someone uses too much of a given substance that overloads the body, and while it’s not a desirable event at all, being aware of some basic facts around it can be very important.

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we assist Boise patients with the full spectrum of drug and alcohol rehabilitation, with services like medical detox and others meant to help break you free of your addiction to a given substance. What exactly does the term “overdose” describe, how dangerous are overdoses, and how can those who have lived through an overdose work toward recovery? Here’s everything you need to know in this area.

What is An Overdose?

For those who are new to the term, an overdose occurs when a person takes too much of a given substance. In some cases, this can be accidental — someone may not realize how potent a particular drug is, for example. In other cases, it may be intentional, as people sometimes deliberately take large quantities of drugs in an attempt to get very high.

Sadly, overdoses are quite common among those who abuse drugs and alcohol. In fact, drug overdoses are now a leading cause of death among Americans aged 18 to 50, and more than 65,000 people die from them every year (this number was over 100,000 in 2021). They’re a key concern among addiction recovery specialists and their patients alike, and for good reason.

What Happens During an Overdose?

Overdoses happen when a person takes too much of a given substance and their body can no longer process or handle it. The effects of an overdose will vary depending on the particular substance involved, but in general, they can be very dangerous — even fatal.

Some of the more common signs and symptoms of an overdose include:

– severe confusion

– agitation

– hallucinations

– delusions

– impaired motor skills

– slurred speech

– sweating

– dilated pupils

– vomiting

– diarrhea

– abdominal pain

– chest pain

– irregular heartbeat

How Dangerous Are Overdoses?

Overdoses are quite dangerous in many cases, any will often result in fatalities — though this is not always the case, an important fact to remember. If someone is showing signs of an overdose, it’s important to seek medical help immediately as they may not be able to survive without it.

In some cases, people may be revived with emergency medical assistance, but this is not always possible. Even if someone does recover from an overdose, they may suffer long-term health effects as a result.

Overdose and Relapse

While precise numbers in terms of how common it is to relapse with a given substance after an overdose can be hard to come by, the simple fact is that this happens quite often. Even after the trauma of an overdose, many people will return to their substance of choice and abuse it again, sometimes with fatal results.

This is one of the key reasons that addiction treatment is so important, as it can help people break free from the cycle of abuse and avoid these kinds of dangers in the future. Many forms of addiction treatment have shown specific benefits in their ability to reduce the risk of relapse after an overdose, and this is something that everyone in recovery should be aware of.

Another important point we want to make here: Relapsing after an overdose does not make you, or anyone else dealing with substance abuse, a failure. Your situation is far from hopeless; in fact, there are many people who have been able to overcome substance abuse and build a life in recovery even after an overdose.

With the right treatment and support, it is possible to get your life back on track after an overdose and avoid these dangers in the future. Here at Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we offer a wide range of addiction treatment services and can’t wait to assist you.

Recovery After an Overdose

The good news is that even after an overdose, it’s possible to recover and live a healthy, drug-free life. This will often require professional addiction treatment, but it is possible. If you or someone you know has overdosed on drugs or alcohol, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. The sooner you get started in treatment, the better your chances will be of achieving a full recovery.

In fact, did you realize that around 75% of people who enter addiction recovery programs are able to at least temporarily lower or entirely stop their use of drugs and alcohol? This is a great statistic to keep in mind, as it shows that treatment really does work and can make a big difference in people’s lives.

Now, simply entering an addiction recovery program is just part of the equation. It’s also important to stick with the program and commit to making changes in your life. This is not always easy, but it is definitely possible with the right level of dedication and determination.

If you’re struggling with an addiction, know that you are not alone. Here at Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we can help you get on the path to recovery and avoid the dangers of overdose. Contact us today to learn more about our Boise programs and how we can help you achieve your goals.

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