
How a Dual Diagnosis Approach Improves Addiction Rehab Outcomes

Today, a dual diagnosis approach to treating substance abuse and addiction is considered the gold standard for effective, long-term results.

By exploring issues that may have led to alcohol abuse or drug addiction – or those problems that co-exist with substance abuse – inpatient rehabilitation programs can reduce the chance of relapse.

This approach also makes getting and staying clean substantially easier for those people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol.

What Is the Dual Diagnosis Rehab Approach?

Dual diagnosis rehab centers use an evidence-based diagnostic approach to guide the treatment of substance abuse and addiction. Addicts frequently suffer from a co-occurring mental illness or psychiatric disorder. Some of the most common issues include anxiety, depression, mood disorders, PTSD and trauma.

In the past, few rehab programs considered or addressed addiction in the context of underlying or comorbid conditions such as these. Instead, addicts were often regarded as simply lacking something – willpower, faith, information, etc.

Although those programs did work for some people, most were unable to make the permanent changes they desired in their lives.

How Does This Approach Improve Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation?

Today, we understand that very few individuals develop substance abuse and addiction problems without an underlying cause. By identifying and addressing the root cause (or causes), we gain the ability to address those underlying causes, rather than simply treating symptoms.

Many people, without even realizing that they have an underlying issue, attempt to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol – or both. Once we determine the right treatment approach and implement a treatment plan, the compulsion to self-medicate diminishes.

Addiction is a highly complex challenge that affects every part of your life. Without identifying the underlying issues, however, those problems go unaddressed. This significantly increases the risk of relapse.

Choosing the Best Dual Diagnosis Rehab Center for You

Before deciding on which type of rehabilitation center or program is right for you, take the time to research the dual diagnosis approach and other treatment modalities. If you determine that you (or a loved one) might have better success by addressing the underlying cause of the problem, the next step is selecting the best dual diagnosis rehab center for you.

Located in Pocatello, Idaho, Moonlight Mountain Recovery addresses drug and alcohol addiction from a multi-dimensional approach. We understand the importance of taking a holistic approach and treating the mind, body and spirit. We use a dual diagnosis approach, so we can help you understand the real reason for your struggles and provide an effective, personalized approach to treatment.

Contact us today to learn more about how our inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs can help you successfully make the profound, long-lasting changes you deserve.

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