
Painkiller Side Effects and Depression

Some people safely take prescription painkillers as prescribed by their doctor to manage chronic pain. Others start using painkillers for physical pain and end up addicted. There are also those who take them just to get high.

By now we all know of the risks of painkillers and addiction, but that’s not the only thing to worry about.

Depression is a very common side-effect of painkillers for about 10% of people who use them. The result can be a vicious cycle of taking pills to feel better and then ending up feeling even worse.

That’s just one of the reasons why the medical community is beginning to look at painkillers as a last resort instead of turning to them immediately to deal with chronic pain.

Other Causes of Depression

There are many other possible causes of depression such as genetics, abuse, illness, the loss of a loved one and personal problems.

Substance abuse is also linked to depression. In fact, nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also have clinical depression.

In some cases, it’s hard to tell if the depression or addiction came first. That’s why it’s so important to find a treatment program that focuses on co-occurring conditions like depression.

You can leave rehab without any drugs in your system, but if you’re still battling depression (or anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder or any other mental health condition) then you’re setting yourself up for a major challenge.

The easy part of rehab is often the physical part. The challenge is to tackle the mental, psychological, emotional and social aspects of addiction. After all, the goal isn’t just to be drug-free, but to live a good life that’s free from the burden of addiction.

Painkiller Addiction and Moonlight Mountain Recovery

At Moonlight Mountain Recovery, we believe that everyone deserves a second chance to live a great life, and we use every available tool there is to make that happen. Fill out our form or contact us today to learn more about the painkiller addiction treatment program at Moonlight Mountain Recovery.

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