You made it through the Christmas holiday unscathed. Next, you have to overcome one of the biggest party nights of the year: New Year’s Eve. It’s important to stay proactive for a sober celebration before the temptations of champagne toasts take over. Whatever you do, try not to isolate yourself or assume parties aren’t the same now that you’re sober.
New Year’s Eve Triggers
Have you received multiple New Year’s Eve party invitations? Or perhaps the opposite, you may feel isolated because you don’t have the same friends you once had before your new life. At this time of year, you are either too busy or not busy at all. For most addicts, each extreme offers its own set of triggers you can prepare for.
Too Busy Triggers
Not Busy Triggers
These triggers can be difficult to manage. The key is preparation, so there are no surprises. Having a relapse prevention plan in place is also important, especially during the holidays.
6 Ways To Combat Triggers
As you know, the holiday season is often times more difficult than the rest of the year. For addicts and non-addicts alike, Ney Year’s Eve comes with additional pressures that include drinking alcohol.
6 Ways To Stay Sober During New Year’s Eve:
Be honest with the people around you and yourself, and remember all the things in your life you’ve regained now that you’re sober.
Take a sober supporter with you wherever you go that alcohol will be present. It’s easier to remain sober when you have someone that also values their sobriety.
Have an exit strategy in case you do start feeling uncomfortable. Being at a bar or interacting with intoxicated people is difficult for some people, but the most important thing to remember is that you are responsible for your own sobriety. If triggers to arise, don’t be embarrassed to leave.
Always have a non-alcoholic beverage in hand. This is especially helpful if it has some sugar since our bodies oftentimes confuse a craving for alcohol with a craving for sugar.
Speak with a counselor or your sponsor about unresolved issues. This means you’re regularly attending meetings, working and living the steps, being honest about triggers, and are feeling grateful for your sobriety.
Find meetings and keep your recovery routine up. Some meetings in your area might host their own New Year’s Eve celebrations. This not only helps you stay sober but also fulfills the community aspect so you won’t feel left out of the fun.
Moonlight Mountain Recovery
Our program brings together the latest research-based treatment modalities so those who struggle with addiction can regain their freedom and independence. We have created an environment in which our residents feel safe, non-judged and can enjoy complete anonymity! Our program is designed to help residents support one another on their road to sobriety. Our rehab treatment is customized to meet the individual’s unique needs and consists of emotional, spiritual, and physical healing. The latest therapeutic modalities are combined to provide an all-encompassing path to recovery.
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